Monday, December 31, 2012

gonna write this post on the last day of 2012 before going to Harry's to countdown with great people.

2012 started with.. i can't really remember it started with what. i think the year picked up steam from March when..
1) one more year to ORD
2) AOH was announced
3) LTCL registration opened
4) uni application opened

..yeah. it's like the official start of the numerous shit that's coming.

started mugging for LTCL and Law while juggling the shit loads of parades. April-May was the worst, one week of AOH performances with even more parades hahaha. and then there was the interview in April.

getting accepted was one of the best accomplishments of my life. i have failed getting into my preferred schools since forever. haha remember VJC? im really glad to have really really intelligent people around me. im glad to call them my friends.

June heralded the start of SAF Day rehearsals and ahh the LTCL exam itself. i've never taken a music exam before, let alone an exam recital. it was the worst feeling to find yourself at zero stamina halfway through. it was no joke. it was terrifying. it was even more terrifying to realise you came in early LOL. the look Selena (my pianist) gave me was priceless. it was like the OMGWTFBBQ look.

nonetheless June passed by, July became the season of concerts. and SIBF. which we won. i've been listening back to the recordings. i would safely say that OC is the best band that i've played with. wonderful people, amazing musicians. and the OC saxophone section had such a wonderful section sound, it's the kind of thing band directors dream of. but to make it clear, that's because of the amazing saxophonists that i played with. jonpee samuel and jason. it's an honour to play alongside you guys.

NDP was in August. first time i was featured on tv as part of the Fife and Drums segment woohoo. this is another one of those experiences that'll remain with me forever.

September flew by, nothing much. the obligatory concerts and parades here and there. and my LTCL results which i can safely say i passed. (: so now im a diploma holder!

it's around this time when i got offered to teach at my alma mater too. ahh PHS, ye olde son of a gun. it's stressful working under Alvin, but it is also a joy watching the section improve.

life from then on has been pretty routine, until November when rehearsals for A Normal Conversation started. haha it's a joy working with Terrence on musical ideas regarding the commission, and of course my fellow performers.

so the highlight of December was my recital. my first public recital! so glad it was so well received. this proved that my personal musical ideas aren't as.. weird as i thought haha.

and so here we are, on the 31st Dec 2012, ready to usher in the New Year. 2013 will be brilliant, i promise.

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